Jib Strategic first became acquainted with Virunga National Park in 2008. The 7800 square kilometers of natural wonder lies within the borders of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is a sanctuary for hundreds of amazing and exotic species of animals, many of which are at risk of becoming endangered. Perhaps most notably, the mountain gorillas, of which one-quarter of the entire worlds population calls Virunga home. The park decided that such a beautiful place, with so much to offer the world, needed to have a unifying identity design. Something the park officials, volunteers, staff, and the world could support. They were looking for an international image and appearance for themselves, and we are grateful that they reached out to Jib.

Phil Moore/AFP/GettyImages)
This new identity they were seeking six years ago was to serve several crucial purposes. It needed to be a consistent and internationally recognizable image for use on the web and in promotional items that contribute to fund raising efforts. Something for supporters, within the park and around the world, to stand behind. Even more importantly, this identity was to be used in protecting the lives of the endlessly dedicated Rangers who defended the park against its greatest threat. Militant rebel groups and poachers who had very different intentions when it came to the land and wildlife.
Species on the very edge of endangerment were being killed by these people for their meat and skins, and the land was being riddled with illegal charcoal production. The only thing visually separating the perpetrators from the protectors became the uniforms and support vehicles bearing the bold, black and orange logo that Jib proudly modernized for Virunga. We are honored to have played a part in aiding the efforts of these selfless heroes, too many of whom gave their lives restoring peace to the region. However, their sacrifice has not been for nothing. Their cause has been fulfilled. Enough so, that the park has re-opened for international tourism. Up-close gorilla treks and volcano tours are only two of the countless, truly once in a lifetime, experiences that can be taken in when visiting this un-describable, amazing natural wonderland.
Supporters within the park and around the world are truly grateful for all these people have done, and Jib Strategic is grateful to have been approached by the park. We would like to extend a special thank you to Samantha Newport and Robert Williams for presenting us with such a unique opportunity.
Now that Virunga is prepared to welcome in the world, they have come back to us looking to update their identity with a few minor tweaks.